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c3ba77db0503ef9c087ddb57f9a42f9d - 如何优化PlantUML流程图(时序图)

1. 选择合适的组件


首先,不能用 Participant 一概所有,针对不同的情况应该选择合适的组件。

1.1 plantuml官方提供的组件


参考:Sequence Diagram syntax and features - PlantUml1

Sample 1:

participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue

note: as关键字用来重命名

1.2 加载图片

要是觉得官方提供的图标不好看,或者没有想要的图标,ES、Azure、防火墙等、比如实际参与者实际是有图标的,就可引入该图标显示在参与者里 。



1.2.1 加载本地图片

  1. 保存矢量图标到本地


  1. 引用图片

Sample 2

participant "\nMerchant\nSystem\n\n" as merchantsystem
participant "\nPayment\nSystem\n\n" as paymentsystem

merchantsystem -> paymentsystem: do something

1.2.2 加载网络图片

Sample 3:

title Office Icons Example

package "Images" {
    rectangle "\r DB" as db2
 rectangle "\r App-Server" as app2
 rectangle "\r Firewall" as fw2
 rectangle "\r Cloud" as cloud2
 db2 <-> app2
 app2 <-\-> fw2
 fw2 <.left.> cloud2

1.2.3 图片资源


2. 背景以及颜色优化

2.1 通用设置

首先包括一些通用设置,包括 背景颜色、字体大小、字体颜色、字体等

skinparam backgroundColor White
skinparam defaultFontName MarkForMCNrw
skinparam defaultFontSize 17
skinparam defaultFontColor #141413
skinparam roundCorner 10

2.2 对每个组件的样式进行设置

其他的组件,包括 Participant、Collection、Actor、Database、Box、Vertical Line、Arrow、Alt、Loop、Group box、Ref box、Notes、Divider 都可以设置 背景颜色、字体颜色、粗细等属性。


  1. Changing colors and fonts - PlantUML6
  2. All Skin Parameters — Ashley's PlantUML Doc 0.2.01 documentation7

2.3 引入文件

2.3.1 引用本地模板文件


  1. include 关键字

2.3.2 引用网页模板文件

  1. includeurl 关键字

2.3.3 模板文件资源


bschwarz/puml-themes: This repository is used to hold themes for plantuml (www.plantuml.com) diagraming tool. Users can use these themes to give there diagrams different looks.8

plantuml/themes at master · plantuml/plantuml9

3. 使用关键字


3.1 条件选择关键字

包括 opt/if/ifelse/loop

3.2 组合关键字

3.2.1 box


box "系统" #
participant "服务A" as ServiceA
database "DB" as DB
participant "服务B" as ServiceB
end box

3.2.2 Group关键字


group XX接口 [接口名1]
    cnb -> scmchannel: 授信申请校验 
    alt 有记录
        return 上次申请记录
    else 无记录
        scmchannel -> cnb: 空

3.3 注释关键字

note right MCBPDdelivery:

note left MCBPDelivery

note over



nore over Instance, Participation
This is a note accross serveral participants and with several lines
    This is **bold**
        This is //italics//
            This is ""monospaced""
                This is --stroked--
                    This is __underlined__
This is the end
end note

box boxB #aliceblue
participant "SystemB" as Axon
end box

3.4 分割关键字 ==

== Another Part ==

3.5 其他优化

3.5.1 使用副标题


participant Participant [

participant Bob

Participant -> Bob

3.5.2 自动标注时序图序号

要是时序图想标注一下走到了哪个是第一步、哪个是第二步…… 就可以用以下关键字

Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response

3.5.3 区分同步和异步

时序图中,有活动图 -> 或者 --> 的区分。

一般约定, ->代表同步,-->代表异步

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response

3.5.4 字体颜色

所有支持的颜色可参考:[Choosing colors - PlantUML10](#Choosing colors-PlantUML)


4. 参考文档

1. Sequence Diagram syntax and features - PlantUml

2. 阿里云产品图标 - 阿里云产品图标| 阿里云

3. plantuml-stdlib/Azure-PlantUML: PlantUML sprites, macros, and other includes for Azure services

4. milo-minderbinder/AWS-PlantUML: PlantUML sprites, macros, and other includes for AWS components.

5. Roemer/plantuml-office: Office Icons for PlantUML

6. Changing colors and fonts - PlantUML

7. All Skin Parameters — Ashley's PlantUML Doc 0.2.01 documentation

8. bschwarz/puml-themes: This repository is used to hold themes for plantuml (www.plantuml.com) diagraming tool. Users can use these themes to give there diagrams different looks.

9. plantuml/themes at master · plantuml/plantuml

10. Choosing colors - Plantuml

11. 从60年代回到2021:美化PlantUML画图风格(附源码)_Tooooooong的博客-CSDN博客_plantuml 主题

12. PlantUML 的介绍和使用 - InfoQ 写作平台

13. qjebbs/vscode-plantuml: Rich PlantUML support for Visual Studio Code.

14. 在线运行PlantUML文件 - WebSequenceDiagrams
15. PlantUML Web Server

16. Real World PlantUML

转载请注明:xuhss » 如何优化PlantUML流程图(时序图)

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