Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)

虚幻大学 xuhss 167℃ 0评论

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1 引言


1.1 建模推特对话结构

b9e0d98a98615ca1591453efb191fb66 - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)


  直观地看,一条推文在对话束中的邻居比更远的邻居更有信息,因为它们的对话关系更接近,它们的立场表达有助于中心推文的立场进行分类。例如,在图1中,推文“1”、“4”和“5”是推文“2”的一跳邻居,它们对预测“2”立场的影响较大 两跳邻居“3”)。本文用图卷积网络(GCN)来在潜空间中联合表示推文内容和对话结构,它旨在通过聚合其邻居来学习每条推文的姿态特征的特性。本文基于消息传递的方法来利用对话中的内在结构以学习推文表示。

1.2 编码立场时序动态

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  此外,为了确定人们反应的立场,另一个挑战是我们如何利用公众的立场来准确地预测谣言的真实性。本文观察到,公众立场的时序动态可以表明谣言的真实性。图2分别显示了讨论真实谣言、虚假谣言和不真实谣言的推文的立场分布 。


1.3 联合立场分类和真实性预测


1.4 Hierarchical multi-task learning framework for jointly Predicting rumor Stance and Veracity



2 模型

2.1 问题描述

  考虑一个推特对话束CCC,它由一个源推文t1t1t_1和一些回复推文{t2,t3,⋯,t|C|}{t2,t3,⋯,t|C|}{ { t_2,t_3,\dots,t_{|C|} }}直接或间接响应t1t1t_1,此外每个推文t1(i∈[1,|C|])t1(i∈[1,|C|])t_1 (i \in [1,|C|])表达了它对谣言的立场。对话束C是一个树状结构,其中源tweet t1t1t_1是根节点,而推文之间的回复关系构成了edges。

  本文主要关注两个任务:第一个任务是谣言立场分类,其目的是确定CCC中每条推文的立场,属于{supporting,denying,querying,commenting}{supporting,denying,querying,commenting}{supporting, denying, querying, commenting} 第二个任务是预测谣言的真实性,目的是确定谣言的真实性,属于{true,false,unverified}{true,false,unverified}{true, f alse, unverif ied}。

2.2 Hierarchical-PSV****

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  其底部的组件是对会话结构中的tweet的立场进行分类(节点分类任务),它通过使用定制的图卷积(Conversational-GCN)对会话结构进行编码来学习立场特征。最重要的部分是预测谣言的真实性,它考虑了从底部的部分学习到的特征,并用一个循环神经网络(Stance-Aware RNN)来建模立场演化的时序动态。

2.3 Conversational-GCN: Aggregation-basedStructure Modeling for Stance Prediction





  2)归一化矩阵A^A^\hat {\mathbf{A}}在一定程度上削弱了其推文的重要性。


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  具体来说,第一个GCN层将所有推文的内容特征作为输入,而最后一个GCN层的输出表示对话中所有的推文的立场特征c' role="presentation">cc\mathbf{c}还有推文的立场特征sisi\mathbf{s}_i。经过GRU后,其所有时间步隐状态通过最大池化,从而获得捕获了立场演化的全局信息的表示通过vv\mathbf{v}。

aa9e42a8939873581c9463f7f6454c4a - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)


e32258c5f1254d32ba87ef2d35bad3af - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)

2.5 Jointly Learning Two Tasks


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2.6 复现代码



| 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import numpy as npimport torchimport torch.nn as nnimport torch.nn.functional as Ffrom torch_geometric.nn import GCNConvfrom tqdm import tqdm class GlobalMaxPool1d(nn.Module):def __init__( self ):super (GlobalMaxPool1d, self ).__init__() def forward( self , x):return torch.max_pool1d(x, kernel_size = x.shape[ 2 ]) class ConvGCN(nn.Module):def __init__( self , dim_in, dim_hid, dim_out, dim_stance = 4 , dropout = 0.5 ):"""Conversational-GCN :Params:T (int): the number of splited timesteps for propagation graphdim_in (int): 结点的初始输入特征维度 kdim_hid (int): 默认(固定)的结点嵌入的维度(等于结点池化后的图的嵌入维度)dim_out (int): 模型最终的输出维度,用于分类num_layers (int): LGAT的层数(邻居聚集的迭代次数)dropout (float):"""super (ConvGCN, self ).__init__()self .dropout = dropout# dim_hid -> embed_sizeself .word_embeddings = nn.Parameter(nn.init.xavier_uniform_(torch.zeros(dim_in, dim_hid, dtype = torch. float , device = device), gain = np.sqrt( 2.0 )), requires_grad = True ) # BiGRU for obtaining post embedding (batch_size = 1)bigru_num_layers = 1bigru_num_directions = 2bigru_hidden = dim_hid / / 2self .BiGRU = nn.GRU(dim_hid, bigru_hidden, bigru_num_layers, bidirectional = True )self .H0 = torch.zeros(bigru_num_layers * bigru_num_directions, 1 , bigru_hidden, device = device) # Graph Convolutionself .conv1 = GCNConv(dim_hid, dim_hid)self .conv2 = GCNConv(dim_hid, dim_stance) # GRU for modeling the temporal dynamicsrnn_num_layers = 1 # rnn_hidden = dim_hidself .GRU = nn.GRU(dim_hid + dim_stance, dim_hid + dim_stance, rnn_num_layers)self .H1 = torch.zeros(rnn_num_layers, 1 , dim_hid + dim_stance, device = device) self .MaxPooling = GlobalMaxPool1d()self .prediction_layer = nn.Linear(dim_hid + dim_stance, dim_out)nn.init.xavier_normal_( self .prediction_layer.weight) def forward( self , words_indices, edge_indices):features = []edge_indice = edge_indices[ 0 ].to(device) # only one snapshotwords_indices = # get post embeddingfor i in range (words_indices.shape[ 0 ]):word_indice = torch.nonzero(words_indices[i], as_tuple = True )[ 0 ]# assert word_indice.shape[0] > 0, "words must large or equal to one"if word_indice.shape[ 0 ] = = 0 :word_indice = torch.tensor([ 0 ], dtype = torch. long ).to(device) words = self .word_embeddings.index_select( 0 ,, hn = self .BiGRU(words.unsqueeze( 1 ), self .H0) # (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)post_embedding = hn.flatten().unsqueeze( 0 )features.append(post_embedding) x0 =, dim = 0 )content = torch.clone(x0)x1 = self .conv1(x0, edge_indice)x1 = F.relu(x1)x1 = F.dropout(x1, self .dropout)x2 = self .conv2(x1, edge_indice)x2 = F.relu(x2) x =, x2), 1 )gru_output, _ = self .GRU(x.unsqueeze( 1 ), self .H1)z = self .MaxPooling(gru_output.transpose( 0 , 2 ))return self .prediction_layer(z.squeeze( 1 ).transpose_( 0 , 1 )) # 使用BCE(不需事先计算softmax) |



| 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152 | def load_rawdata(file_path):""" json file, like a list of dict """with open (file_path, encoding = "utf-8" ) as f:data = json.loads( data def get_edges(data):"""依据src_id's data,加载propagation network edges with relative index in a graph"""tweet_num = len (data)mids = [tweet[ "mid" ] for tweet in data] # 使用"mid"才能找到所有转发关系mids_id = {mids[i]: i for i in range (tweet_num)} # mid: id from mid to index,按顺序生成mid的idmid_edges = [(mid, data[mids_id[mid]][ "parent" ]) for mid in mids if data[mids_id[mid]][ "parent" ] ! = None ]return [(mids_id[edge[ 0 ]], mids_id[edge[ 1 ]]) for edge in mid_edges] def get_static_edgeindex(edges):""" 获取传播图的edge_indices列表,要保证得到的绝对边索引对应结点特征 (for second)"""graph = nx.Graph() # len(split_edges)= T,和新增的边相关的结点就是Interacting结点graph.add_edges_from(edges)edge_index = list (nx.adjacency_matrix(graph).nonzero()) # 结点和边的Id以及安排了,不需再处理return edge_index def load_data(ids, T, thres_num, is_dynamic = False ):"""依据weibo的id,加载所有的结点特征和传播结构 :params:weibo_id (string): 微博id:returns:graph_list: a list of Diffusion graph objects which contain elements as follows:1.features: numpy ndarray 结点数N by 特征维度k的结点初始嵌入矩阵2.edge_indices: list(numpy ndarray) 对话结构的邻接矩阵"""graph_list = []for weibo_id in ids:txt_data = load_sptext(weibo_id) # 从磁盘上加载以稀疏矩阵存储的text matrixdata = load_rawdata(data_path + "Weibo/{0}.json" . format (weibo_id))edges = get_edges(data)edge_indices = get_static_edgeindex(edges)graph_list.append(DiffGraph(txt_data, edge_indices)) return graph_list # 直接把graph list中的DiffGraph拿来Pickle class DiffGraph():def __init__( self , text_data, edge_indices):self .text_data = text_dataself .edge_indices = [torch.tensor(edges, dtype = torch. long ) for edges in edge_indices] def get_wordindices( self ):return torch.from_numpy( self .text_data.toarray()) |


3 实验

3.1 两个任务的对比实验

96d5d8c3b51c480026c0f7bc3bb4c226 - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)

3.2 超参数实验

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3.3 消融实验

9e9894b9c6d8a01cd16235c4c8d51a3e - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)

3.4 Case study

7006a333b15abdcb04c09758a1a4d01c - Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity(ACL-19)



4 总结




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