
虚幻大学 xuhss 433℃ 0评论

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  1. Child:获取或设置 Popup控件的内容。
  2. IsOpen:获取或设置一个值,该值指示Popup 是否可见
  3. Placement:获取或设置 Popup 控件打开时的控件方向,并指定Popup 控件在与屏幕边界重叠时的控件行为
  4. PlacementTarget:获取或设置当打开 Popup 控件时该控件相对于其放置的元素。
  5. PopupAnimation:获取或设置Popup 控件的打开和关闭动画。
  6. StaysOpen:获取或设置一个值,该值指示当 Popup 控件焦点不再对准时,是否关闭该控件。


  1. Opened:当IsOpen 属性更改为 true 时发生。

|  | private void PopupOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) |
|  | { |
|  | //Code to execute when Popup opens |
|  | } |
  1. Closed:当IsOpen 属性更改为 false 时发生。

|  | private void PopupClosing(object sender, EventArgs e) |
|  | { |
|  | //Code to execute when Popup closes |
|  | } |



0488753056ad0e7cec232387e4505b07 - WPF中Popup控件的使用


|  | <Window.Resources> |
|  | <x:Array x:Key="MyArray" Type="system1:String"> |
|  | <system1:String>西瓜system1:String> |
|  | <system1:String>葡萄system1:String> |
|  | <system1:String>芒果system1:String> |
|  | <system1:String>猕猴桃system1:String> |
|  | x:Array> |
|  | Window.Resources> |
|  | <Grid Margin="20"> |
|  | <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> |
|  | <ColumnDefinition Width="*">ColumnDefinition> |
|  | <ColumnDefinition Width="100">ColumnDefinition> |
|  | Grid.ColumnDefinitions> |
|  | <TextBox Grid.Column="0" Height="30" BorderThickness="1"  |
|  | VerticalContentAlignment="Center" |
|  | Padding="10,0" |
|  | x:Name="TestTextBox" |
|  | ToolTip="{StaticResource MyArray}"> |
|  | TextBox> |
|  | <Button Grid.Column="1" Content="搜索" Margin="10,0" Height="30" Click="ButtonBase\_OnClick">Button> |
|  | <Popup Grid.Column="0" |
|  | AllowsTransparency="True" |
|  | PopupAnimation="Slide" |
|  | PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox}" |
|  | Placement="Bottom" |
|  | Width="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox, Path=ActualWidth}" |
|  | IsOpen="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox, Path=IsKeyboardFocused, Mode=OneWay}"> |
|  | <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox, Path=ToolTip}" |
|  | SelectedItem="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox, Path=Text, Mode=OneWayToSource}">ListBox> |
|  | Popup> |
|  | Grid> |


|  |  public class PopupHelper |
|  |  { |
|  | ///  |
|  | /// 附加属性:跟随放置控件而移动 |
|  | ///  |
|  |  public static readonly DependencyProperty PopupPlacementTargetProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("PopupPlacementTarget", typeof(DependencyObject), typeof(PopupHelper), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnPopupPlacementTargetChanged)); |
|  |  |
|  |  public static DependencyObject GetPopupPlacementTarget(DependencyObject obj) |
|  |  { |
|  | return (DependencyObject)obj.GetValue(PopupPlacementTargetProperty); |
|  |  } |
|  |  public static void SetPopupPlacementTarget(DependencyObject obj, DependencyObject value) |
|  |  { |
|  |  obj.SetValue(PopupPlacementTargetProperty, value); |
|  |  } |
|  |  |
|  |  private static void OnPopupPlacementTargetChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) |
|  |  { |
|  | if (d is System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup pop && e.NewValue is DependencyObject placementTarget) |
|  |  { |
|  |  var window = Window.GetWindow(placementTarget); |
|  | if (window != null) |
|  |  { |
|  |  window.LocationChanged += delegate |
|  |  { |
|  |  var mi = typeof(System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup).GetMethod("UpdatePosition", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); |
|  |  mi?.Invoke(pop, null); |
|  |  }; |
|  |  } |
|  |  } |
|  |  } |
|  |  } |


|  | <Popup local:PopupHelper.PopupPlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=TestTextBox}">Popup> |

转载请注明:xuhss » WPF中Popup控件的使用

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